Love this bag very much..ohsem! good quality..Thank you, CaseValker~

太漂亮了~我超喜欢这款行旅箱了~每次到机场都看到有人拿着类似的行旅箱,都好像自己拥有一个~终于,买到了~感谢Case Valker~

Nicole Lim
If it’s gotta be classy, it’s gotta be silver! Amazing light weight & stylish luggage from casevalker.com. To enjoy 10%: use the code “Nicole10“.

Miku Ling
出国个个都想打扮得美美的 美的luggage 可以帮你的照片加分 我很喜欢这款行李箱的颜色 很特别 也很亮眼 我的这款是最小的 因为我觉得出门容易 但是出国还是建议带大的 可以买更多 这一款 CEO luggage 不是拉链式 Alu-frame with passcode lock让我的行李箱看起来更华丽 又不怕别人剪开我的锁头想要美美的luggage 就到 Case Valker 去看看啦 他们有很多款 自己去看 去选 website : www.casevalker.com

So after 5 years, I finally have new luggages for my travelling! Nowadays, I travel for events quite often and my luggages are like my second home where it keeps my stuff safe. Can’t wait to use this luggage from @casevalker for my short vacation this month before Creators Super Fest in Jakarta! I can look stylish now too with pretty luggages yay!

bought it for my mom. very happy with it. easy for her to handle the weight/move around/lift it up, on her own. color is vibrant and lifting. the little handbag hook is also good to hook water bottle! will buy again!
Influencer’s Reviews

剛剛從韓國釜山工作回來,用著這款Case Valker Hanna 行李箱!跟我一樣看起來時尚又經得起考驗(欸不,我覺得有人這樣坐我會死掉)喜歡它的原因:材質是堅硬的PP所製造的,幾乎可以說是摔不爛!決定了,在來臨的 Shoppe 11.11 Big Sale
“casevalker“ 就能找到了喔!
I wish I am this luggage, so you could just count on me and let me handle your burden Lol! I just came back from travelling in Busan
with my Case Valker Hana Luggage. It’s a fashionable luggage, yet stronger than me
! (I don’t think I could survive that pressure). I got it because of its high quality luggage, made up of strong materials (PP)- almost unbreakable! I am thinking to grab myself another set during the upcoming Shopee 11.11 Big Sale
Just search “casevalker“ in the @Shopee_MY app and BUY! Jom!
#Casevalker #travel #Shopee1111BigSale #ShopeeMY1111 @Shopee_MY

你们可以去看看他们家的行李箱,价廉物美,质量也是很好的,我都用了好久了!: @case_valker
. @halyu.lu

Nak cari luggage bukan boleh main belasah beli je. silap pilih, sekali pakai dah terburai. Kena pilih yang material tahan lasak, bukan semata mata nak design cantik je.
tapi kalau nak dua dua ; cantik & tahan lama – pilih la @case_valker Signature Hanna Luggage
Datang dalam 7 warna yang cantik, design pun stylish. diperbuat daripada High Quality Polypropylene PP material & unbreakable! with 4×360 silent wheels & sangat ringan. Paling sesuai untuk dibawa travel kemana sahaja.
Get RM10 off bila masukkan code “GBPY335Z“ masa checkout. Jangan tunggu voucher expired pulak ye. Valid sampai 31/8
#CaseValker #SignatureHana #productreview #Lugagge #Vacation #travel #stylish #colourful #silentwheel #PPmaterial #unbreakable #durable #lightweight
#cuticutimalaysia #tsalock #ZStarGlobal_